Association THD06

Astragalo exscapi-Crambetum tatariae Klika 1939

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This is an open-steppe vegetation type at disturbed sites of recent landslides, abandoned fields or around rabbit colonies. It occurs on south-facing slopes in the warm, dry region of southern Moravia, usually over loess or calcareous sand or sandstone. Such habitats are colonized by competitively weak continental steppe plants, such as Astragalus exscapus, Crambe tataria, Iris pumila and Taraxacum serotinum. After several years of succession, vegetation of the formerly disturbed sites would develop into a closed grassland of the alliance Cirsio-Brachypodion pinnati or Festucion valesiacae, and the species of open loess steppe would disappear. However, they may rapidly colonize newly disturbed habitats nearby.

Citation: Chytrý M. (2007): Astragalo exscapi-Crambetum tatariae Klika 1939. – In: Chytrý M. (ed.), Vegetace České republiky. 1. Travinná a keříčková vegetace [Vegetation of the Czech Republic. 1. Grassland and Heathland Vegetation], p. 423–425, Academia, Praha.
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