Association VCA01

Nitelletum flexilis Corillion 1957

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This vegetation type is dominated by Nitella flexilis. It occurs in clear, oligotrophic to mesotrophic water bodies, such as fishponds with low-intensity management, oxbows and flooded stone quarries. Occurrences are scattered across the cooler parts of Bohemia.

Citation: Šumberová K., Hrivnák R., Rydlo J. & Oťaheľová H. (2011): Nitelletum flexilis Corillion 1957. – In: Chytrý M. (ed.), Vegetace České republiky. 3. Vodní a mokřadní vegetace [Vegetation of the Czech Republic 3. Aquatic and wetland vegetation], p. 251–253, Academia, Praha.
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