Association TEB01

Sileno vulgaris-Nardetum strictae Krahulec 1990

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These are species-rich secondary grasslands of the montane belt in the Krkonoše, and rarely also in the Krušné hory Mountains. They contain species of alpine, subalpine, montane and submontane meadows and those of oligotrophic grasslands. Traditionally they used to be mown once a year, with subsequent grazing.

Citation: Krahulec F. (2007): Sileno vulgaris-Nardetum strictae Krahulec 1990. – In: Chytrý M. (ed.), Vegetace České republiky. 1. Travinná a keříčková vegetace [Vegetation of the Czech Republic. 1. Grassland and Heathland Vegetation], p. 295–298, Academia, Praha.
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