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Bromo pannonici-Festucion pallentis Zólyomi 1966

Pannonian vegetation of limestone outcrops

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Orig. (Zólyomi 1966): Bromo-Festucion pallentis Zólyomi 66 (Bromus erectus subsp. pannonicus)

Syn.: Seslerio-Festucion glaucae Klika 1931 p. p. (§ 35), Seslerio-Festucion pallentis Klika 1931 corr. Zólyomi 1966 p. p. (§ 35), Festucion pallentis (Klika 1931) Korneck 1974 p. p., Helianthemo cani-Festucion pallentis Kolbek in Moravec et al. 1983 p. p., Poo badensis-Teucrienion montani Kolbek in Moravec et al. 1983 (podsvaz)

Citation: Chytrý M., Hoffmann A. & Novák J. (2007): Suché trávníky (Festuco-Brometea). Dry grasslands. – In: Chytrý M. (ed.), Vegetace České republiky. 1. Travinná a keříčková vegetace [Vegetation of the Czech Republic. 1. Grassland and Heathland Vegetation], p. 372–470, Academia, Praha.
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