Association XBA05

Veronicetum hederifolio-triphylli Slavnić 1951

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Orig. (Slavnić 1951): Ass. Veronica hederifolia-V. triphyllos Slavnić msc. 1944

Syn.: Veronicetum hederifolio-triphylli Slavnić 1944 ms. (§ 1), Veronicetum trilobo-triphylli Slavnić 1951 (fantom), Veronico-Adonidetum aestivalis Kropáč et Hadač in Kropáč et al. 1971, Veronicetum trilobo-triphylli Holzner 1973, Lamio amplexicaulis-Thlaspietum arvensis Krippelová 1981, Veronicetum hederifolio-sublobatae Kropáč 1997 prov., Veronicetum hederifolio-trilobae Kropáč 1997 prov., Veronicetum hederifolio-trilobae Kropáč 2006

Formal definition: group Veronica triphyllos NOT group Aphanes arvensis NOT group Arabidopsis thaliana NOT group Sonchus arvensis NOT group Spergula arvensis

Citation: Lososová Z. (2009): Veronicetum hederifolio-triphylli Slavnić 1951. – In: Chytrý M. (ed.), Vegetace České republiky. 2. Ruderální, plevelová, skalní a suťová vegetace [Vegetation of the Czech Republic 2. Ruderal, weed, rock and scree vegetation], p. 93–95, Academia, Praha.
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