Association LBF03

Arunco dioici-Aceretum pseudoplatani Moor 1952

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Arunco-Aceretum comprises forests of Acer pseudoplatanus and Fagus sylvatica with a herb layer containing the tall forbs Aruncus dioicus and Lunaria rediviva and various nutrient- and moisture-demanding forest herbs. These forests occur especially on the lower part of steep slopes, especially in shaded ravines. This association occurs across a broad range of altitudes, with most occurrences between 300 and 900 m.

Citation: Hédl R. (2013): Arunco dioici-Aceretum pseudoplatani Moor 1952. – In: Chytrý M. (ed.), Vegetace České republiky. 4. Lesní a křovinná vegetace [Vegetation of the Czech Republic 4. Forest and shrub vegetation], p. 289–292, Academia, Praha.
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