Convallaria majalis var. majalis

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  • Leaf presence and metamorphosis: leaves present, not modified
  • Leaf arrangement (phyllotaxis): alternate
  • Leaf shape: simple – entire
  • Stipules: absent
  • Petiole: present


  • Flower colour: white
  • Flower symmetry: actinomorphic
  • Perianth type: homochlamydeous
  • Perianth fusion: fused
  • Shape of the sympetalous corolla or syntepalous perianth: campanulate
  • Inflorescence type: racemus

Fruit, seed and dispersal

  • Fruit type: fleshy fruit – berry
  • Fruit colour: orange, red
  • Dispersal unit (diaspore): seed, fruit, infrutescence or its part
  • Dispersal strategy: Cornus (mainly autochory and endozoochory)

Trophic mode

  • Parasitism and mycoheterotrophy: autotrophic
  • Carnivory: non-carnivorous
  • Symbiotic nitrogen fixation: no nitrogen-fixing symbionts

Taxon origin

  • Origin in the Czech Republic: native

Ecological indicator values

  • Ellenberg-type indicator values

  • Light indicator value: 4 – transition between values 3 and 5
  • Temperature indicator value: 5 – moderate heat indicator, occurring from lowland to montane belt, mainly in submontane-temperate areas
  • Moisture indicator value: 5 – indicator of fresh soils, focus on soils of average moisture, missing on wet and on soils that frequently dry out
  • Reaction indicator value: 5x – indicator of moderate acidity, occurring rarely in strongly acidic as well as in neutral to alkaline conditions (generalist)
  • Nutrient indicator value: 4 – transition between values 3 and 5
  • Salinity indicator value: 0 – not salt tolerant, glycophyte

Habitat and sociology

  • Occurrence in habitats

  • 2 Alpine and subalpine grasslands

  • 2B Subalpine tall-forb and tall-grass vegetation: 1 – rare occurrence
  • 8 Dry grasslands

  • 8A Hercynian dry grasslands on rock outcrops: 1 – rare occurrence
  • 8B Submediterranean dry grasslands on rock outcrops: 1 – rare occurrence
  • 8D Broad-leaved dry grasslands: 1 – rare occurrence
  • 8F Thermophilous forest fringe vegetation: 1 – rare occurrence
  • 11 Heathlands and scrub

  • 11A Dry lowland to subalpine heathlands: 1 – rare occurrence
  • 11H Subalpine deciduous scrub: 1 – rare occurrence
  • 11R Scrub and pioneer woodland of forests clearings: 1 – rare occurrence
  • 12 Forests

  • 12B Alluvial forests: 1 – rare occurrence
  • 12C Oak-hornbeam forests: 2 – optimum
  • 12D Ravine forests: 2 – optimum
  • 12E Herb-rich beech forests: 1 – rare occurrence
  • 12F Limestone beech forests: 2 – optimum
  • 12G Acidophilous beech forests: 2 – optimum
  • 12H Peri-Alpidic basiphilous thermophilous oak forests: 2 – optimum
  • 12I Sub-continental thermophilous oak forests: 4 – constant dominant
  • 12J Acidophilous thermophilous oak forests: 1 – rare occurrence
  • 12K Acidophilous oak forests: 2 – optimum
  • 12L Boreo-continental pine forests: 1 – rare occurrence
  • 12O Peri-Alpidic pine forests: 1 – rare occurrence
  • 12T Robinia pseudacacia plantations: 1 – rare occurrence
  • 12U Plantations of broad-leaved non-native trees: 1 – rare occurrence
  • 12V Spruce plantations: 1 – rare occurrence
  • 12W Pine and larch plantations: 1 – rare occurrence
  • 13 Anthropogenic vegetation

  • 13F Herbaceous vegetation of forests clearings and Rubus scrub: 1 – rare occurrence
  • Affinity to the forest environment

  • Affinity to the forest environment in Thermophyticum: 1.1 – taxon occurring mainly in the closed forest
  • Affinity to the forest environment in Mesophyticum and Oreophyticum: 1.1 – taxon occurring mainly in the closed forest
  • Dominant taxon

  • Dominant taxon of associations: XEA06 Pteridietum aquilini

Distribution and frequency

  • Occurrence frequency in the basic grid mapping cells and quadrants of the basic grid mapping cells: 604, 1805
  • Number of habitats with taxon occurrence in the Czech Republic

  • Number of narrow habitats in which the taxon occurs: 25
  • Number of narrow habitats in which the taxon has its optimum: 7
  • Number of broad habitats in which the taxon occurs: 5
  • Number of broad habitats in which the taxon has its optimum: 1

Threats and protection

  • Red List 2017 (national categories): taxon is not on the Red List
  • Red List 2017 (IUCN categories): LC(NA) – least concern (taxon is not on the Red List)
  • Legal protection: not protected by law
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