Cornus alba agg.

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Habitus and growth type

  • Height [m]:
  • Growth form: shrub
  • Life form: nanophanerophyte
  • Life strategy: C – competitor


  • Leaf presence and metamorphosis: leaves present, not modified
  • Leaf arrangement (phyllotaxis): opposite
  • Leaf shape: simple – entire
  • Stipules: absent
  • Petiole: present
  • Leaf life span: summer green
  • Leaf deciduousness in woody plants: winter deciduous
  • Leaf anatomy: mesomorphic
  • Functional leaf type in woody plants: broad deciduous or semi-deciduous


  • Flowering period [month]: June–July
  • Flower colour: white, yellow-white
  • Flower symmetry: actinomorphic
  • Perianth type: calyx and corolla
  • Perianth fusion: free
  • Calyx fusion: synsepalous
  • Inflorescence type: corymbothyrsus
  • Dicliny: synoecious
  • Generative reproduction type: allogamy
  • Pollination syndrome: insect-pollination

Fruit, seed and dispersal

  • Fruit type: fleshy fruit – drupe
  • Fruit colour: white, blue
  • Reproduction type: by seed/spores and vegetatively
  • Dispersal unit (diaspore): seed, fruit, infrutescence or its part
  • Dispersal strategy: Cornus (mainly autochory and endozoochory)
  • Myrmecochory: non-myrmecochorous (b)

Belowground organs and clonality

  • Position of root buds: lateral roots
  • Role of root buds in life-history of a plant: regenerative
  • Bud bank

  • Number of buds per shoot at the soil surface (root buds excluded):
  • Number of buds per shoot at a depth of 0–10 cm (root buds excluded):
  • Number of buds per shoot at a depth greater than 10 cm (root buds excluded):
  • Size of the belowground bud bank (root buds excluded):
  • Depth of the belowground bud bank (root buds exluded) [cm]: 8
  • Number of buds per shoot at the soil surface (root buds included):
  • Number of buds per shoot at a depth of 0–10 cm (root buds included):
  • Number of buds per shoot at a depth greater than 10 cm (root buds included):
  • Size of the belowground bud bank (root buds included):
  • Depth of the belowground bud bank (root buds included) [cm]:

Trophic mode

  • Parasitism and mycoheterotrophy: autotrophic
  • Carnivory: non-carnivorous
  • Symbiotic nitrogen fixation: no nitrogen-fixing symbionts

Taxon origin

  • Origin in the Czech Republic: neophyte
  • Invasion status: naturalized
  • Geographic origin: North America

Distribution and frequency

  • Floristic zone: boreal, northern temperate, southern temperate, submeridional, meridional
  • Floristic region: Americas
  • Occurrence frequency in the basic grid mapping cells and quadrants of the basic grid mapping cells: 192, 242
  • Commonness in vegetation plots from the Czech Republic

  • Maximum percentage cover in vegetation plots: 38 %
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