Sagina ×normaniana

Sagina procumbens × S. saginoides
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  • Leaf presence and metamorphosis: leaves present, not modified
  • Stipules: absent
  • Petiole: absent


  • Flower colour: white
  • Perianth type: calyx and corolla
  • Calyx fusion: aposepalous
  • Inflorescence type: flores solitarii

Belowground organs and clonality

  • Shoot life span (cyclicity): monocyclic shoots prevailing
  • Branching type of stem-derived organs of clonal growth: monopodial
  • Primary root: present
  • Bud bank

  • Number of buds per shoot at the soil surface (root buds excluded):
  • Number of buds per shoot at a depth of 0–10 cm (root buds excluded):
  • Number of buds per shoot at a depth greater than 10 cm (root buds excluded):
  • Size of the belowground bud bank (root buds excluded):
  • Depth of the belowground bud bank (root buds exluded) [cm]:
  • Number of buds per shoot at the soil surface (root buds included):
  • Number of buds per shoot at a depth of 0–10 cm (root buds included):
  • Number of buds per shoot at a depth greater than 10 cm (root buds included):
  • Size of the belowground bud bank (root buds included):
  • Depth of the belowground bud bank (root buds included) [cm]:

Trophic mode

  • Parasitism and mycoheterotrophy: autotrophic
  • Carnivory: non-carnivorous
  • Symbiotic nitrogen fixation: no nitrogen-fixing symbionts

Taxon origin

  • Origin in the Czech Republic: native

Habitat and sociology

  • Affinity to the forest environment

  • Affinity to the forest environment in Thermophyticum: 0 – taxon that does not spontaneously occur in Czech forests
  • Affinity to the forest environment in Mesophyticum and Oreophyticum: 0 – taxon that does not spontaneously occur in Czech forests
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