Salix daphnoides

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Habitus and growth type

  • Height [m]:
  • Growth form: tree (shrub)
  • Life form: macrophanerophyte
  • Life strategy: C – competitor


  • Leaf presence and metamorphosis: leaves present, not modified
  • Leaf arrangement (phyllotaxis): alternate
  • Leaf shape: simple – entire
  • Stipules: present
  • Petiole: present
  • Leaf life span: summer green
  • Leaf deciduousness in woody plants: winter deciduous
  • Leaf anatomy: mesomorphic, helomorphic
  • Functional leaf type in woody plants: broad deciduous or semi-deciduous


  • Flowering period [month]: March–April
  • Flower colour: green
  • Perianth type: flower achlamydeous
  • Inflorescence type: amentum e floribus masculis, amentum e floribus femineis
  • Dicliny: dioecious
  • Generative reproduction type: allogamy
  • Pollination syndrome: insect-pollination

Fruit, seed and dispersal

  • Fruit type: dry fruit – capsule
  • Fruit colour: brown
  • Reproduction type: by seed/spores and vegetatively
  • Dispersal unit (diaspore): seed
  • Dispersal strategy: Phragmites (mainly anemochory and hydrochory)
  • Myrmecochory: non-myrmecochorous (b)

Trophic mode

  • Parasitism and mycoheterotrophy: autotrophic
  • Carnivory: non-carnivorous
  • Symbiotic nitrogen fixation: no nitrogen-fixing symbionts

Taxon origin

  • Origin in the Czech Republic: native

Ecological indicator values

  • Ellenberg-type indicator values

  • Light indicator value: 7 – half-light plant, mostly occurring at full light, but also in the shade up to about 30% of diffuse radiation incident in an open area
  • Temperature indicator value: 4 – transition between values 3 and 5
  • Moisture indicator value: 7 – humidity indicator, focus on well moistened, but not wet soils
  • Reaction indicator value: 7 – indicator of slightly acidic to slightly basic conditions, never occurring in very acidic conditions
  • Nutrient indicator value: 4 – transition between values 3 and 5
  • Salinity indicator value: 0 – not salt tolerant, glycophyte

Habitat and sociology

  • Occurrence in habitats

  • 4 Wetland and riverine herbaceous vegetation

  • 4D Riverine reed vegetation: 1 – rare occurrence
  • 4J River gravel banks: 1 – rare occurrence
  • 11 Heathlands and scrub

  • 11J Willow galleries of loamy and sandy river banks: 2 – optimum
  • Affinity to the forest environment

  • Affinity to the forest environment in Thermophyticum: 0 – taxon that does not spontaneously occur in Czech forests
  • Affinity to the forest environment in Mesophyticum and Oreophyticum: 0 – taxon that does not spontaneously occur in Czech forests
  • Diagnostic taxon

  • Diagnostic taxon of alliances: KAB Salicion elaeagno-daphnoidis
  • Colonization ability

  • Index of colonization success (ICS): 1

Distribution and frequency

  • Floristic zone: boreal, northern temperate, southern temperate, submeridional
  • Floristic region: Europe
  • Continentality degree: 5
  • Distribution range extension along the continentality gradient: 4
  • Elevational belt in the Czech Republic: colline belt, submontane belt (montane belt)
  • Occurrence frequency in the basic grid mapping cells and quadrants of the basic grid mapping cells: 73, 112
  • Commonness in vegetation plots from the Czech Republic

  • Occurrence frequency in vegetation plots: 0 %
  • Occurrence frequency in vegetation plots with a cover above 5%: 50 %
  • Occurrence frequency in vegetation plots with a cover above 25%: 0 %
  • Occurrence frequency in vegetation plots with a cover above 50%: 0 %
  • Mean percentage cover in vegetation plots: 6.3 %
  • Maximum percentage cover in vegetation plots: 13 %
  • Number of habitats with taxon occurrence in the Czech Republic

  • Number of narrow habitats in which the taxon occurs: 3
  • Number of narrow habitats in which the taxon has its optimum: 1
  • Number of broad habitats in which the taxon occurs: 2
  • Number of broad habitats in which the taxon has its optimum: 1

Threats and protection

  • Red List 2017 (national categories): C2r – endangered taxon, rare
  • Red List 2017 (IUCN categories): EN – endangered
  • Legal protection: not protected by law
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