Association XCC01

Convolvulo arvensis-Elytrigietum repentis Felföldy 1943

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This is a species-poor vegetation type dominated by Elytrigia repens, a perennial grass with an extensive network of rhizomes and the ability to form large polycorms. It occurs on field margins and in abandoned fields, roadsides, along fences, on disturbed river banks and in waste places. In most cases habitats are sunny, warm and dry. This association is common from lowland to submontane areas of the Czech Republic.

Citation: Láníková D. (2009): Convolvulo arvensis-Elytrigietum repentis Felföldy 1943. – In: Chytrý M. (ed.), Vegetace České republiky. 2. Ruderální, plevelová, skalní a suťová vegetace [Vegetation of the Czech Republic 2. Ruderal, weed, rock and scree vegetation], p. 259–262, Academia, Praha.
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