Association SBA02

Corydalidetum luteae Kaiser 1926

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This association includes species-poor vegetation of walls dominated by Corydalis lutea. Its stands can be both open and fairly closed. The species is light-demanding, but requires sufficient moisture at the same time. Therefore it is more frequently found on retaining walls than on drier free-standing walls. Unlike some other species of such habitats, it can grow on walls where concrete has been used as binding material, because the long roots of Corydalis lutea are able to penetrate into very narrow crevices. In the Czech Republic Corydalis lutea is an alien species of southern European origin, which has been often planted and in some places has escaped from gardens or parks. Its stands occur at lower and middle altitudes across the country, both in cities and villages, as well as on solitary castles.

Citation: Láníková D. (2009): Corydalidetum luteae Kaiser 1926. – In: Chytrý M. (ed.), Vegetace České republiky. 2. Ruderální, plevelová, skalní a suťová vegetace [Vegetation of the Czech Republic 2. Ruderal, weed, rock and scree vegetation], p. 446–448, Academia, Praha.
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