This association is dominated by Ranunculus sceleratus or Rumex maritimus, annual wetland herbs which can reach a height of up to 1 m and a cover of 100%. It occurs mainly on the exposed bottoms of summer-dried fishponds, oxbows and water reservoirs. Substrate is usually deep, wet and nutrient-rich mud. It occurs in areas with moderately warm to warm and moderately wet climate in lowland and colline areas across the Czech Republic.
Citation: Šumberová K. (2011): Rumici maritimi-Ranunculetum scelerati Oberdorfer 1957. – In: Chytrý M. (ed.), Vegetace České republiky. 3. Vodní a mokřadní vegetace [Vegetation of the Czech Republic 3. Aquatic and wetland vegetation], p. 351–355, Academia, Praha.
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