This association occurs in small subalpine springs and represents a mixture of fen and spring species. Stands are low and sparse, dominated most often by Allium schoenoprasum, Carex flava. C. vaginata. Molinia caerulea s. str., Swertia perennis or Trichophorum alpinum, while Carex nigra is poorly represented at the Czech localities. Fen mosses of the genera Scorpidium, Sphagnum and Warnstorfia are usually present. The vegetation is rich in vascular plants, mosses and liverworts. Sites in the Hrubý Jeseník Mountains have higher calcium concentrations and contain also some calcicolous species, while sites in the Krkonoše Mountains are characterized by the occurrence of Trichophorum cespitosum. The association contains some species considered as glacial relicts.