Association RBA02

Carici flavae-Cratoneuretum filicini Kovács et Felföldy 1960

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This sedge-moss vegetation type is developed on calcareous tufa springs, which occur in warm areas with calcium-rich bedrock, such as in the south-western part of the Moravian Carpathians and central Bohemia. In the upper soil layers, both marl and calcium carbonate prevail over organic peat. The phosphorus availability is extremely low. This vegetation usually occurs around small springs scattered within a mosaic of mown grasslands. It is formed of short wetland sedges, cotton grasses and bryophytes, of which Palustriella commutata is present on most sites and usually dominates.

Citation: Hájek M. & Hájková P. (2011): Carici flavae-Cratoneuretum filicini Kovács et Felföldy 1960. – In: Chytrý M. (ed.), Vegetace České republiky. 3. Vodní a mokřadní vegetace [Vegetation of the Czech Republic 3. Aquatic and wetland vegetation], p. 626–630, Academia, Praha.
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