The class Epilobietea angustifolii includes herbaceous vegetation of forest clearings, sites deforested as a result of wildfire, wind storms, insect calamities or air pollution, canopy gaps, forest fringes, open spaces in subalpine spruce forests, screes and various boulder beds, along roads and railways, in quarries and on building rubble. Soils are poor in bases but with temporarily increased availability of nitrogen. The species composition of this vegetation type is partly dependent on the type of previous or adjacent forest vegetation. If unmanaged, this vegetation usually persists for three to seven years, then giving way to encroaching shrubs or trees. In contrast to the Impatienti noli-tangere-Stachyion sylvaticae and some other vegetation types within the class Galio-Urticetea, vegetation of the class Epilobietea angustifolii contains numerous acidophilous species combined with nutrient-demanding species.