Association TFC02

Erysimo diffusi-Agrostietum capillaris Vicherek in Chytrý et al. 1997

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This association includes sand grasslands dominated by Festuca ovina occurring in the sand area near Hodonín in southern Moravia. In contrast to Sileno otitae-Festucetum brevipilae, it contains some species of the Pannonian flora. In the local succession of sand grasslands, this association replaces pioneer grasslands with Corynephorus canescens on consolidated sand dunes.

Citation: Chytrý M. (2007): Erysimo diffusi-Agrostietum capillaris Vicherek in Chytrý et al. 1997. – In: Chytrý M. (ed.), Vegetace České republiky. 1. Travinná a keříčková vegetace [Vegetation of the Czech Republic. 1. Grassland and Heathland Vegetation], p. 347–349, Academia, Praha.
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