This alliance includes Robinia scrub and short woodland on dry shallow soils in warm areas. When affected by drought, Robinia becomes competitively weaker and often forms mixed stands with drought-adapted shrubs and trees. The herb layer is characterized by the occurrence of species of dry grasslands, open woodlands and rock outcrops, including vernal therophytes and chamaephytes in addition to the dominant hemicryptophytes.
Citation: Sádlo J., Chytrý M., Vítková M., Petřík P., Kolbek J. & Neuhäuslová Z. (2013): Mezofilní a suché křoviny a akátiny (Rhamno-Prunetea). Mesic and xeric scrub and Robinia groves. – In: Chytrý M. (ed.), Vegetace České republiky. 4. Lesní a křovinná vegetace [Vegetation of the Czech Republic 4. Forest and shrub vegetation], p. 74–156, Academia, Praha.
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