Association MCH01

Caricetum acutiformi-paniculatae Vlieger et van Zinderen Bakker in Boer 1942

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Orig. (Boer 1942): Caricetum acutiformo-paniculatae, Vlieger et van Zinderen Bakker (1942)

Syn. Caricetum paniculatae Wangerin 1916 (§ 2b, nomen nudum), Caricetum paniculatae Wangerin ex von Rochow 1951, Eupatorio-Caricetum paniculatae Passarge 1999

Formal definition: Carex paniculata cover > 50 % AND (group Carex acuta OR group Lysimachia vulgaris OR Lemna minor cover > 5 %) NOT group Arrhenatherum elatius NOT group Caltha palustris NOT group Carex elongata NOT group Carex panicea NOT group Carex rostrata NOT group Cirsium oleraceum NOT Juncus inflexus cover > 25 %

Citation: Hájková P. (2011): Caricetum acutiformi-paniculatae Vlieger et van Zinderen Bakker in Boer 1942. – In: Chytrý M. (ed.), Vegetace České republiky. 3. Vodní a mokřadní vegetace [Vegetation of the Czech Republic 3. Aquatic and wetland vegetation], p. 555–558, Academia, Praha.
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